The EP Bowie contains one homage to David Bowie & 5 other songs.

Bowie / EP 2017

Cover Album Bowie EP 2017

Homage to Bowie

UEBERSCHAER: „David Bowie was one thing above all for me: an independent artist. From that point of view, it was obvious to call the album „Bowie“, as a tribute to him and the example he set for all artists!

„Bowie“ – Release 03.03.2017

„Man is born free, and everywhere he lies in chains.“ (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

About Bowie

„Bowie“ is the second release produced by UEBERSCHAER with the team „The Thursday Project“ (Axel Köhnken, Rainald Menges):

The common thread running through all the tracks on the album „Bowie“ is a preoccupation with addiction – with emotional, spiritual, religious or economic bondage or unleashing.

„Shattered Dreams“ is a swan song to trust in oneself and in a trusted person.

„Desert“ describes how a promise of a well-paid and honourable job turned into a nightmare in the desert.

Guru“ raises the question of whether we need a master in life to follow or can be that master ourselves. Is it possible to live without an ideology or is even the belief in one’s self a delusion?

„My Blue Heaven“ asks the question: „Is my heaven also yours“. The boundaries are fluid when infatuation becomes obsession, passion becomes fanaticism, when I want you to live in „my paradise“, in „My Blue Heaven“.

„Indifference“ gives a possible answer to the question of what is the opposite of compassion and what could grow out of empathy.

„Bowie“, the title track, finally, tells how a voice, a song, becomes the symbol of a lost love…whenever the voice is heard, the invisible bond that is still there becomes recognisable.“

The 6 tracks of the album „Bowie“ show new exciting facets of UEBERSCHAER’s music.
Compared to the debut album „First“, electronic sounds and drums come to the fore more often here, with special emphasis on a balanced mixture of warm acoustic and cooler rock elements. As with the previous album, the arrangements live above all from the attention to detail!

Homage to Bowie

UEBERSCHAER: „David Bowie was one thing above all for me: an independent artist. From that point of view, it was obvious to call the album „Bowie“, as a tribute to him and the example he set for all artists!

„Bowie“ – Release 03.03.2017

„Man is born free, and everywhere he lies in chains.“ (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)


Bowie - Lyric Video




shattered dreams

my blue heaven